two students watching as a professor writes in chalk on a board


欢迎来到韦德体育app官网! We’re so pleased you decided to pursue your graduate education at OU. You will find the graduate community rich with opportunities for advanced research, 学术合作和其他学术追求. You’ll also find OU brimming with student resources 和 services to make sure you achieve all your professional 和 personal goals.



提交所有申请材料后, 在大学回顾中, you will receive 和 download your letter admitting you to a graduate program at OU. 然后,您将:

  • 接受、拒绝或推迟你的录取通知. 表格将在您的 申请状态页面 决定一公布就通知你. 

请注意: students who applied through 护理Cas or PTCas do not have to fill out our form 和 should move on to Step 2 below.  


在注册课程之前, you must activate 和 verify login for your 灰熊的ID和PIN 和 NET ID accounts. 学习如何 激活您的帐户,并观看如何改变你的发型的教程 灰熊ID PIN激活你的NetID.


Web registration is staggered by class st和ing 和 earned credit hours. Near the end of March you will register for upcoming summer, fall 和 winter classes. 具体的注册日期公布在公开大学的网站上 网络注册 页面.


韦德体育app官网 offers four ways for you to pay your tuition:

  • 在线
  • 通过邮件
  • 在人
  • 通过Flywire(国际支付)

请浏览OU 如何付款页面 欲知详情. Contact Student Financial Services if you need help financing your education.


A GrizzCard, the official picture identification card of 韦德体育app官网, is required to

  • 访问宿舍膳食计划
  • 查阅图书馆资料
  • 进入娱乐中心
  • 从晚上8点开始进入范登堡和哈姆林大厅.m. 到5岁.m.
  • 在校园里所有开放实验室的指纹
  • 在奥克兰中心或克雷斯基图书馆复印
  • Receive discounts to select campus activities 和 services

Get your GrizzCard before the start of your first semester to take advantage of all these resources.


Support your best investment with financial assistance from 韦德体育app官网. More than half of all OU students receive financial assistance totaling more than $175 million annually. 你也可以从这些资金中受益 你只需要申请.


当你 确认您的注册, OU is able to accurately schedule 和 offer classes for all students.


Completed in consultation with your faculty program adviser, 学习计划详细说明了具体的课程, exit option 和 other requirements you must complete in order to earn your graduate degree.


You should consult with your faculty adviser during the first semester, 和 no later than the end of the first year in your graduate program, 制定书面的学习计划. 学习计划, 由你的研究生课程导师批准, must be submitted to the 研究生院 in order to update your 在线学位评估(WebCAPP).


经批准的学习计划可随时修改. Until formal approval of an updated Plan of Study is made, your original or current modification of the plan will remain in effect. You are responsible for meeting with your faculty adviser on an ongoing basis 和 keeping your Plan of Study updated, 根据需要.


It is your responsibility to comply with all 韦德体育app官网 policies, procedures 和 applicable graduate program requirements that govern your individual program of study. The following tools will help you maintain good academic st和ing at OU

  • 研究生课程目录: this is the official OU publication governing academic programs, 学位要求和学术政策, 还有研究生院的规章制度.

The 研究生院 administers academic policies 和 procedures, 和 enforces graduate degree requirements which are determined by the 研究生委员会 和 are applicable to all graduate students. In unusual circumstances, an exception to policy may be requested. 获取有关请求异常的信息, please visit the student responsibility section in the catalog.


韦德体育app官网的年度校园安全和 保安及消防安全报告 is available online or you may request a paper copy from one of the following offices:

  • 韦德体育app官网警察局
    • 警察及支援事务大楼10号
  • 大学人力资源
    • 威尔逊大厅413号
  • 学术人力资源
    • 威尔逊大厅517号
  • 学生主任办公室
    • 奥克兰中心144号

这份报告是联邦法律规定的, 和 contains policy statements 和 crime statistics for 韦德体育app官网. 政策声明阐述了学校的政策, procedures 和 programs concerning safety 和 security 和 include topics such as: crime prevention, 消防安全, 大学警察执法机关, 犯罪报告政策, 纪律程序, 和 other matters of importance related to security 和 safety on campus. The report also contains crime statistics for the three previous calendar years for certain types of crimes that were reported to have occurred on campus, in on or off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by the law 和 on public property within or immediately adjacent to the campus.


体育运动 & 娱乐



葛培理健康中心 provides convenient, affordable, high quality health care right on campus. They are staffed by certified nurse practitioners 和 physician assistants who have extensive education 和 clinical training. A physician visits weekly to review cases, consult, 和 see patients who require physician care.



  • 卓越教学中心 The CETL is open to all OU 研究生 Students, even if teaching is not a part of your career plan. Teaching opportunities can manifest themselves in many non-traditional ways these days, an IT professional may be asked to lead a training initiative or a researcher may need to report their findings to colleagues in a classroom venue. The CETL is here to help you develop the skills necessary to thrive in any educational setting.
  • Center for 学生活动 和 Leadership Development The mission of the Center for 学生活动 和 Leadership Development is to complement classroom learning through co-curricular experiences that promote student’s engagement with the university, 本地和全球社区.


(248) 370-2700

星期一至星期五上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.


(248) 370-2700

星期一至星期五上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.